University of California San Francisco

Jennifer Price - 144

Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine

Hepatology and Liver Transplantation

Department of Medicine


513 Parnassus Avenue, MSB, #357M
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 415-502-1429
Fax: 415-476-0659


    Dr. Jennifer Cohen Price is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine and hepatologist, specializing in treating patients needing liver transplants. Her research interests include liver disease in HIV infection, the natural history and treatment of viral hepatitis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 

    Dr. Price received her medical degree at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2004. She continued her medical training at Johns Hopkins, where she completed her residency, gastroenterology and hepatology fellowship, and transplant hepatology fellowship.  She is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, and a member of the American College of Gastroenterology, American Gastroenterological Association, and American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.  Dr. Price is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in internal medicine and gastroenterology. 

    Awards & Honors

    Award Conferred By Date
    Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 2016
    ACG Junior Faculty Development Award American College of Gastroenterology 2015
    Gilead Research Scholars Program in HIV Gilead Sciences 2015
    UCSF Hellman Fellows Award Hellman Fellows Fund 2015
    Pilot Award Program in HIV/AIDS UCSF Resource Allocation Program 2014
    ACG Clinical Research Pilot Award American College of Gastroenterology 2012
    Clinical Research Scholars KL2 Award Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2009
    Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Fellow Johns Hopkins Hospital 2008
    Alpha Omega Alpha Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2004
    W. Bradford Patterson Fellowship Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 1999
    Phi Beta Kappa Stanford University 1999


    Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
    Johns Hopkins Hospital Fellowship in Gastroenterology Department of Medicine
    Johns Hopkins Hospital Fellowship in Transplant Hepatology Department of Medicine
    Johns Hopkins Hospital Internship and Residency Department of Medicine
    Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Johns Hopkins University M.D. School of Medicine
    Stanford University B.A.

    Board Certifications

    American Board of Internal Medicine
    American Board of Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology

    Clinical Expertise

    Alcoholic Liver Disease

    Autoimmune Hepatitis


    Drug-Induced Hepatitis

    Fulminant Hepatic Failure


    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis C

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Liver Cancer)

    Liver Transplantation

    Living Donor Liver Transplantation

    Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

    Polycystic Liver Disease

    Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

    Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

    Program Affiliations

    UCSF Liver Center

    In the News

    October, 16, 2020 | UCSF General Surgery Residency Program

    Grants and Funding

    • San Francisco Bay Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) | NIH | 2007-03-02 - 2027-11-30 | Role: Co-Investigator
    • SF Bay Area MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study | NIH | 2019-04-01 - 2026-03-31 | Role: Co-Principal Investigator
    • Ancillary Studies of NAFLD and NASH in HIV infected Adults | NIH/NIDDK | 2020-03-21 - 2025-01-31 | Role: Co-Investigator

    Research Interests

    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

    Liver injury and repair (Liver transplantation)

    Liver disease and HIV

    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

    Viral hepatitis 


    1. Non-invasive markers of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis following INSTI initiation in women with HIV.
      Yu MA, Gerig L, Mehta CC, Musonge-Effoe J, Alvarez JA, Ofotokun I, Sheth AN, Ali MK, Ziegler TR, Yang Q, Spence AB, Alcaide ML, Dumond JB, Abraham AG, French AL, Augenbraun M, Anastos K, Price JC, Tien PC, Lahiri CD| | PubMed
    2. HepB-CpG vs HepB-Alum Vaccine in People With HIV and Prior Vaccine Nonresponse: The BEe-HIVe Randomized Clinical Trial.
      Marks KM, Kang M, Umbleja T, Cox A, Vigil KJ, Ta NT, Omoz-Oarhe A, Perazzo H, Kosgei J, Hatlen T, Price J, Katsidzira L, Supparatpinyo K, Knowles K, Alston-Smith BL, Rathod P, Sherman KE, ACTG 5379 (BEe-HIVe) Study Team| | PubMed
    3. A single-site randomized controlled trial of partner navigation to HCV treatment for people who inject drugs: a study protocol for the You're Empowered for Treatment Initiation (YETI) partner trial.
      Morris MD, Tan JY, McDonell CC, Scarpetta M, Nguyen TN, Price JC, Neilands TB| | PubMed
    4. Primary Care Screening for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among People With HIV in the United States: A Real-World Provider Survey.
      Price JC, Hirose K, Chalasani N, Crandall H, Heath S, Loomba R, Naggie S, Sterling RK, Sulkowski M, Wilson L, Lake JE| | PubMed
    5. The prevalence and correlates of biomarker positive unhealthy alcohol use among women living with and without HIV in San Francisco, California.
      Jain JP, Ma Y, Dawson-Rose C, Santos GM, Han A, Price J, Hahn JA, Tien PC| | PubMed
    6. Relationships Between Hepatic Steatosis and Frailty Differ by HIV Serostatus.
      Debroy P, Barrett BW, Erlandson KM, Budoff M, Brown TT, Price JC, Post WS, Stosor V, Skavarca C, D'Souza G, Lake JE| | PubMed
    7. MASLD in people with HIV exhibits higher fibrosis stage despite lower disease activity than in matched controls.
      Allende DS, Cummings O, Sternberg AL, Behling CA, Carpenter D, Gill RM, Guy CD, Yeh MM, Gawrieh S, Sterling RK, Naggie S, Loomba R, Price JC, McLaughlin M, Hadigan C, Crandall H, Belt P, Wilson L, Chalasani NP, Kleiner DE, HIV NASH and NASH Clinical Research Groups| | PubMed
    8. Use of HBsAg-positive donors in liver transplantation: An ILTS-EASL-AASLD multisociety survey.
      Vinaixa C, DiMaira T, Russo FP, Goldberg D, Mazzola A, Walabh P, Price J, Sagal S, Kirchner V, Shaker T, Krag A, Pruett T, Coilly A, Terrault N, Berenguer M| | PubMed
    9. Best practices for hepatitis C linkage to care in pregnant and postpartum women: perspectives from the Treatment In Pregnancy for Hepatitis C Community of Practice.
      Gupta N, Hiebert L, Saseetharran A, Chappell C, El-Sayed MH, Hamid S, Jhaveri R, Judd A, Kushner T, Badell M, Biondi M, Buresh M, Prasad M, Price JC, Ward JW| | PubMed
    10. A framework for approaching hepatitis C reinfection in people who use drugs.
      Kim RG, Price JC| | PubMed
    11. The Obstacle is the Way: Finding a Path to Hepatitis C Elimination.
      Lo Re V, Price JC, Schmitt S, Terrault N, Bhattacharya D, Arohnson A| | PubMed
    12. The obstacle is the way: Finding a path to hepatitis C elimination.
      Lo Re V, Price JC, Schmitt S, Terrault N, Bhattacharya D, Aronsohn A| | PubMed
    13. Association of Androgen Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, and the Menopausal Transition With Incident Diabetes Mellitus in Women With and Without HIV.
      Abelman RA, Schneider MF, Cox C, Messerlian G, Cohen M, Gustafson D, Plankey M, Sharma A, Price J, Grunfeld C, Tien PC| | PubMed
    14. Screening for social determinants of health among populations at risk for MASLD: a scoping review.
      Kim RG, Ballantyne A, Conroy MB, Price JC, Inadomi JM| | PubMed
    15. Effects of Food Insecurity on Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in People With HIV.
      Kardashian A, Lloyd A, Vilar-Gomez E, Naggie S, Sulkowski MS, Woreta T, Lake JE, Crandall H, Loomba R, Wilson LA, Sterling RK, Heath S, Gawrieh S, Chalasani NP, Price JC, HIV NASH Clinical Research Network| | PubMed
    16. Microbial Translocation and Gut Damage Are Associated With an Elevated Fast Score in Women Living With and Without HIV.
      Duarte MJ, Tien PC, Kardashian A, Ma Y, Hunt P, Kuniholm MH, Adimora AA, Fischl MA, French AL, Topper E, Konkle-Parker D, Minkoff H, Ofotokun I, Plankey M, Sharma A, Price JC| | PubMed
    17. Staff-Facilitated Telemedicine Care Delivery for Treatment of Hepatitis C Infection among People Who Inject Drugs.
      Kim RG, McDonell C, McKinney J, Catalli L, Price JC, Morris MD| | PubMed
    18. Food insecurity is a risk factor for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease in Latinx children.
      Maxwell SL, Price JC, Perito ER, Rosenthal P, Wojcicki JM| | PubMed
    19. Diagnostic Ability of Simple Noninvasive Blood Tests to Predict Increased Liver Stiffness in People Living With HIV and Steatotic Liver Disease.
      Sterling RK, Vilar-Gomez E, Wilson LA, Loomba R, Gawrieh S, Price J, Naggie S, Lake JE, Heath S, Tonascia J, Sulkowski M, Chalasani N, HIV-NASH CRN| | PubMed
    20. High prevalence of hepatitis B virus susceptibility among persons undergoing community-based hepatitis C virus treatment.
      Campusano C, Kanner R, McDonell C, Morris M, Duarte M, Price JC| | PubMed
    21. Frailty-related factors among women living with and without HIV aged 40 years and older. The Women’s Interagency HIV Study
      Gustafson DR, Shi Q, Thurn M, Holman S, Kuniholm MH, Fischl M, Floris-Moore M, Gange S, Konkle-Parker D, Plankey M, Price JC, Ross RD, Rubtsova A, Sharma A, Hoover DR.| | UCSF Research Profile
    22. Frailty-Related Factors among Women Living with and without HIV Aged 40 Years and Older. The Women's Interagency HIV Study.
      Gustafson DR, Shi Q, Thurn M, Holman S, Kuniholm MH, Fischl M, Floris-Moore M, Gange S, Konkle-Parker D, Plankey M, Price JC, Ross RD, Rubtsova A, Sharma A, Hoover DR| | PubMed
    23. Telemedicine Acceptability and Experience in a Marginalized Population at Risk for HCV
      Kim RG, McDonell C, Burbank S, Morris MD, Price JC.| | UCSF Research Profile
    24. Prevalence of steatotic liver disease, MASLD, MetALD and significant fibrosis in people with HIV in the United States.
      Gawrieh S, Vilar-Gomez E, Woreta TA, Lake JE, Wilson LA, Price JC, Naggie S, Sterling RK, Heath S, Corey KE, Cachay ER, Ajmera V, Tonascia J, Sulkowski MS, Chalasani N, Loomba R| | PubMed
    25. High Incidence Rate of Computed Tomography-Measured Steatotic Liver Disease in Men With and Without HIV Infection.
      Price JC, Springer G, Seaberg EC, Budoff MJ, Koletar SL, Hawkins CA, Witt MD, Post WS, Thio CL| | PubMed
    26. Preventative Hepatology and the Reduction of All-Cause Mortality in Liver Disease.
      Price JC| | PubMed
    27. Pivoting from in-person to phone survey assessment of alcohol and substance use: effects on representativeness in a United States prospective cohort of women living with and without HIV.
      Tierney HR, Ma Y, Bacchetti P, Adimora AA, Chandran A, Kempf MC, Collins LF, DeHovitz J, DiClemente RJ, French AL, Jones DL, Sharma A, Spence AB, Hahn JA, Price JC, Tien PC| | PubMed
    28. HIV-Positive Liver Transplant Does not Alter the Latent Viral Reservoir in Recipients With Antiretroviral Therapy-Suppressed HIV.
      Benner SE, Zhu X, Hussain S, Florman S, Eby Y, Fernandez RE, Ostrander D, Rana M, Ottmann S, Hand J, Price JC, Pereira MR, Wojciechowski D, Simkins J, Stosor V, Mehta SA, Aslam S, Malinis M, Haidar G, Massie A, Smith ML, Odim J, Morsheimer M, Quinn TC, Laird GM, Siliciano R, Balagopal A, Segev DL, Durand CM, Redd AD, Tobian AAR| | PubMed
    29. Community-Based Point-of-Diagnosis Hepatitis C Treatment for Marginalized Populations: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial.
      Morris MD, McDonell C, Luetkemeyer AF, Thawley R, McKinney J, Price JC| | PubMed
    30. Telemedicine Acceptability and Experience in a Marginalized Population at Risk for Hepatitis C Virus.
      Kim RG, McDonell C, Burbank S, Morris MD, Price JC| | PubMed
    31. Design and analysis considerations for early phase clinical trials in hepatitis B (HBV) cure research: the ACTG A5394 study in persons with both HIV and HBV.
      Kang M, Price JC, Peters MG, Lewin SR, Sulkowski M| | PubMed
    32. Immunogenicity and Safety of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccine With a Toll-Like Receptor 9 Agonist Adjuvant in HBV Vaccine-Naïve People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
      Marks KM, Kang M, Umbleja T, Avihingsanon A, Sugandhavesa P, Cox AL, Vigil K, Perazzo H, Price JC, Katsidzira L, Vernon C, Alston-Smith B, Sherman KE, ACTG 5379 Study Team| | PubMed
    33. Trends in the Prevalence of Hepatitis C Infection During Pregnancy and Maternal-Infant Outcomes in the US, 1998 to 2018.
      Chen PH, Johnson L, Limketkai BN, Jusuf E, Sun J, Kim B, Price JC, Woreta TA| | PubMed
    34. Longitudinal Assessment of the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Score in the Era of Contemporary HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Treatment.
      Gardner AR, Ma Y, Bacchetti P, Price JC, Kuniholm MH, French AL, Gange S, Adimora AA, Minkoff H, Kassaye S, Ofotokun I, Rosenberg W, Kovacs AAZ, Tien PC| | PubMed
    35. Hepatitis C Guidance 2023 Update: AASLD-IDSA Recommendations for Testing, Managing, and Treating Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
      Bhattacharya D, Aronsohn A, Price J, Lo Re V, AASLD-IDSA HCV Guidance Panel| | PubMed
    36. A pilot study to understand and respond to loss, theft, and misplacement of hepatitis C treatment medication for people who inject drugs.
      Morris MD, McDonell C, Kim RG, Laguardia Y, Kanner R, Price JC| | PubMed
    37. The human microbiome and gut-liver axis in people living with HIV.
      Duarte MJ, Tien PC, Somsouk M, Price JC| | PubMed
    38. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis D virus infection in women with or at risk for HIV infection in the United States.
      Argirion I, Mahale P, Pfeiffer RM, Liu P, Adimora AA, Akiyama MJ, Bolivar HH, French A, Plankey M, Price JC, Rana A, Sheth A, Koshiol J, Seaberg EC, Kuniholm MH, Glenn J, O'Brien TR| | PubMed
    39. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Is Associated With Elevated FibroScan-Aspartate Aminotransferase (FAST) Score.
      Price JC, Ma Y, Kuniholm MH, Adimora AA, Fischl M, French AL, Golub ET, Konkle-Parker D, Minkoff H, Ofotokun I, Plankey M, Sharma A, Tien PC| | PubMed
    40. Controlled attenuation parameter accurately detects liver steatosis in people with HIV.
      Duarte M, Tien P, Ma Y, Noworolski SM, Korn N, Price JC| | PubMed
    41. National Landscape of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Deceased Organ Donors in the United States.
      Werbel WA, Brown DM, Kusemiju OT, Doby BL, Seaman SM, Redd AD, Eby Y, Fernandez RE, Desai NM, Miller J, Bismut GA, Kirby CS, Schmidt HA, Clarke WA, Seisa M, Petropoulos CJ, Quinn TC, Florman SS, Huprikar S, Rana MM, Friedman-Moraco RJ, Mehta AK, Stock PG, Price JC, Stosor V, Mehta SG, Gilbert AJ, Elias N, Morris MI, Mehta SA, Small CB, Haidar G, Malinis M, Husson JS, Pereira MR, Gupta G, Hand J, Kirchner VA, Agarwal A, Aslam S, Blumberg EA, Wolfe CR, Myer K, Wood RP, Neidlinger N, Strell S, Shuck M, Wilkins H, Wadsworth M, Motter JD, Odim J, Segev DL, Durand CM, Tobian AAR, HOPE in Action Investigators| | PubMed
      Catherine Campusano, Rachel Kanner, Claire McDonell, Meghan Morris, Maria Duarte, Jennifer Price| | UCSF Research Profile
    43. Transplantation, HIV Serostatus, and Registry Data: Room for Improvement.
      Campos-Varela I, Price JC, Dodge JL, Terrault NA| | PubMed
    44. Multisite prospective Liver Disease and Reproductive Ageing (LIVRA) study in US women living with and without HIV.
      Price J, Ma Y, Adimora A, Fischl M, French AL, Golub ET, Konkle-Parker D, Kuniholm MH, Ofotokun I, Plankey M, Sharma A, Tien PC| | PubMed
    45. Trans-ancestral fine-mapping of MHC reveals key amino acids associated with spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C in HLA-DQβ1.
      Valencia A, Vergara C, Thio CL, Vince N, Douillard V, Grifoni A, Cox AL, Johnson EO, Kral AH, Goedert JJ, Mangia A, Piazzolla V, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Kim AY, Lauer GM, Chung RT, Price JC, Khakoo SI, Alric L, Cramp ME, Donfield SM, Edlin BR, Busch MP, Alexander G, Rosen HR, Murphy EL, Wojcik GL, Carrington M, Gourraud PA, Sette A, Thomas DL, Duggal P| | PubMed
    46. Telemedicine and Health Disparities.
      Price JC, Simpson DC| | PubMed
    47. HOPE in action: A prospective multicenter pilot study of liver transplantation from donors with HIV to recipients with HIV.
      Durand CM, Florman S, Motter JD, Brown D, Ostrander D, Yu S, Liang T, Werbel WA, Cameron A, Ottmann S, Hamilton JP, Redd AD, Bowring MG, Eby Y, Fernandez RE, Doby B, Labo N, Whitby D, Miley W, Friedman-Moraco R, Turgeon N, Price JC, Chin-Hong P, Stock P, Stosor V, Kirchner VA, Pruett T, Wojciechowski D, Elias N, Wolfe C, Quinn TC, Odim J, Morsheimer M, Mehta SA, Rana MM, Huprikar S, Massie A, Tobian AAR, Segev DL, HOPE in Action Investigators| | PubMed
    48. Increased Body Mass Index and Type 2 Diabetes Are the Main Predictors of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Advanced Fibrosis in Liver Biopsies of Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Monoinfection.
      Maurice JB, Goldin R, Hall A, Price JC, Sebastiani G, Morse CG, Prat LI, Perazzo H, Garvey L, Ingiliz P, Guaraldi G, Tsochatzis E, Lemoine M| | PubMed
    49. Longitudinal Changes in Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin in Men With HIV.
      Pena Dias J, Haberlen SA, Dobs AS, Lake JE, Palella FJ, Kingsley LA, Price JC, Basaria S, Varadhan R, Margolick JB, Thio CL, Brown TT| | PubMed
    50. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Expert Panel Consensus Statement: Vaccines to Prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection in Patients With Liver Disease.
      Fix OK, Blumberg EA, Chang KM, Chu J, Chung RT, Goacher EK, Hameed B, Kaul DR, Kulik LM, Kwok RM, McGuire BM, Mulligan DC, Price JC, Reau NS, Reddy KR, Reynolds A, Rosen HR, Russo MW, Schilsky ML, Verna EC, Ward JW, Fontana RJ, AASLD COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group| | PubMed
    51. Nonviral liver disease is the leading indication for liver transplant in the United States in persons living with human immunodeficiency virus.
      Campos-Varela I, Dodge JL, Terrault NA, Brandman D, Price JC| | PubMed
    52. Tissue-specific differences in HIV DNA levels and mechanisms that govern HIV transcription in blood, gut, genital tract and liver in ART-treated women.
      Moron-Lopez S, Xie G, Kim P, Siegel DA, Lee S, Wong JK, Price JC, Elnachef N, Greenblatt RM, Tien PC, Roan NR, Yukl SA| | PubMed
    53. A genomic variant of ALPK2 is associated with increased liver fibrosis risk in HIV/HCV coinfected women.
      McIntosh AT, Wei R, Ahn J, Aouizerat BE, Kassaye SG, Augenbraun MH, Price JC, French AL, Gange SJ, Anastos KM, Goldman R| | PubMed
    54. Addressing Social Determinants of Liver Disease During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Call to Action.
      Kardashian A, Wilder J, Terrault NA, Price JC| | PubMed
    55. Expert Panel Review on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
      Lake JE, Overton T, Naggie S, Sulkowski M, Loomba R, Kleiner DE, Price JC, Chew KW, Chung RT, Corey KE| | PubMed
    56. New Drugs for NASH and HIV Infection: Great Expectations for a Great Need.
      Guaraldi G, Maurice JB, Marzolini C, Monteith K, Milic J, Tsochatzis E, Bhagani S, Morse CG, Price JC, Ingiliz P, Lemoine M, Sebastiani G, SHIVER Network| | PubMed
    57. Updated Hepatitis C Virus Screening Recommendation-A Step Forward.
      Price JC, Brandman D| | PubMed
    58. MRE and ELF in Liver Fibrosis Assessment: Are Two Better Than One?
      Tien PC, Duarte M, Roque A, Price J| | PubMed
    59. The Pathogenesis of Liver Disease in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: The Emerging Role of the Microbiome.
      Kardashian A, Peters MG, Tien PC, Price JC| | PubMed
    60. Editorial: HBV-the promise of a new era in therapeutics.
      Price JC, Bhattacharya D| | PubMed
    61. Food Insecurity May Be an Independent Risk Factor Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease among Low-Income Adults in the United States.
      Golovaty I, Tien PC, Price JC, Sheira L, Seligman H, Weiser SD| | PubMed
    62. OP 7.6 Tissue-specific differences in the mechanisms that govern HIV latency in blood, liver, gut and genital tract in ART-suppressed women.
      S. Moron-Lopez, G. Xie, P. Kim, J. Wong, J. Price, N. Elnachef, R. Greenblatt, P. Tien, N. Roan, S. Yukl| | UCSF Research Profile
    63. Clarifying the HOPE Act landscape: The challenge of donors with false-positive HIV results.
      Durand CM, Werbel W, Doby B, Brown D, Desai NM, Malinis M, Price J, Chin-Hong P, Mehta S, Friedman-Moraco R, Turgeon NA, Gilbert A, Morris MI, Stosor V, Elias N, Aslam S, Santos CAQ, Hand JM, Husson J, Pruett TL, Agarwal A, Adebiyi O, Pereira M, Small CB, Apewokin S, Heun Lee D, Haidar G, Blumberg E, Mehta SA, Huprikar S, Florman SS, Redd AD, Tobian AAR, Segev DL| | PubMed
    64. HIV-Associated NAFLD: Disease Burden and Management.
      Alyson Kaplan, Jennifer C. Price| | UCSF Research Profile
    65. Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Levels Are Inversely Associated With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in HIV-Infected and -Uninfected Men.
      Price JC, Wang R, Seaberg EC, Brown TT, Budoff MJ, Kingsley LA, Palella FJ, Witt MD, Post WS, Lake JE, Thio CL| | PubMed
    66. Contributions of HIV, hepatitis C virus, and traditional vascular risk factors to peripheral artery disease in women.
      Cedarbaum E, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Price JC, Adimora AA, Bamman M, Cohen M, Fischl MA, Matsushita K, Ofotokun I, Plankey M, Seaberg EC, Yin MT, Grunfeld C, Vartanian S, Sharma A, Tien PC| | PubMed
    67. High Kynurenine:Tryptophan Ratio Is Associated With Liver Fibrosis in HIV-Monoinfected and HIV/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Women.
      Kardashian A, Ma Y, Yin MT, Scherzer R, Nolan O, Aweeka F, Tien PC, Price JC| | PubMed
    68. Post-sustained Virologic Response Liver Stiffness May Underestimate Fibrosis After Direct Acting Antiviral-containing Therapy.
      Kardashian A, McKinney J, Huynh N, Yu R, Peters M, Catalli L, Price JC| | PubMed
    69. Su1080 – High Kynurenine:Tryptophan Ratio is Associated with Liver Fibrosis in Hiv Infection.
      Ani Kardashian, Yifei Ma, Michael T. Yin, Rebecca Scherzer, Olivia Nolan, Francesca Aweeka, Phyllis Tien, Jennifer Price| | UCSF Research Profile
    70. Sexually Acquired Hepatitis C Infection in HIV-Uninfected Men Who Have Sex With Men Using Preexposure Prophylaxis Against HIV.
      Price JC, McKinney JE, Crouch PC, Dillon SM, Radix A, Stivala A, Carollo JR, Fierer DS| | PubMed
    71. Aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index increases significantly 3 years prior to liver-related death in HIV-hepatitis-coinfected men.
      Price JC, Seaberg EC, Stosor V, Witt MD, Lellock CD, Thio CL| | PubMed
    72. A Comparison of the Liver Fat Score and CT Liver-to-Spleen Ratio as Predictors of Fatty Liver Disease by HIV Serostatus.
      Mellor-Crummey LE, Lake JE, Wilhalme H, Tseng CH, Grant PM, Erlandson KM, Price JC, Palella FJ, Kingsley LA, Budoff M, Post WS, Brown TT| | PubMed
    73. SAT-523 Sex hormone binding globulin levels are increased in HIV-infected men and are independently associated with lower odds of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease regardless of HIV serostatus.
      J. Price, R. Wang, E. Seaberg, T. Brown, M. Budoff, L. Kingsley, F.P. Jr, M. Witt, W. Post, J. Lake, C. Thio| | UCSF Research Profile
    74. Contribution of Liver Fibrosis and Microbial Translocation to Immune Activation in Persons Infected With HIV and/or Hepatitis C Virus.
      Reid M, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Price JC, French AL, Huhn GD, Plankey MW, Peters M, Grunfeld C, Tien PC| | PubMed
    75. A Comparison of the Liver Fat Score and CT Liver-to-Spleen Ratio as Predictors of Fatty Liver Disease by HIV Serostatus
      Mellor-Crummey LE, Lake JE, Wilhalme H, Tseng CH, Grant PM, Erlandson KM, Price JC, Palella Jr FJ, Kingsley LA, Budoff M, Post WS, Brown TT| | UCSF Research Profile
    76. Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the Older Patient.
      Reid M, Price JC, Tien PC| | PubMed
    77. Editorial: Statins and Liver Disease: Is it Time to Recommend Statins to Prevent Liver Disease Progression?
      Price JC, Tien PC| | PubMed
    78. Controlled attenuation parameter and magnetic resonance spectroscopy-measured liver steatosis are discordant in obese HIV-infected adults.
      Price JC, Dodge JL, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Korn N, Tillinghast K, Peters MG, Noworolski S, Tien PC| | PubMed
    79. The Association of Inflammatory Markers With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Differs by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Serostatus.
      Price JC, Wang R, Seaberg EC, Budoff MJ, Kingsley LA, Palella FJ, Witt MD, Post WS, Thio CL| | PubMed
    80. Reply.
      Price JC, Tien PC| | PubMed
    81. Human immunodeficiency virus-infected and uninfected adults with non-genotype 3 hepatitis C virus have less hepatic steatosis than adults with neither infection.
      Price JC, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Korn N, Tillinghast K, Peters MG, Noworolski SM, Tien PC| | PubMed
    82. Higher CD163 levels are associated with insulin resistance in hepatitis C virus-infected and HIV-infected adults.
      Reid M, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Price JC, French AL, Plankey MW, Grunfeld C, Tien PC| | PubMed
    83. Sex differences in the association of HIV infection with hepatic steatosis.
      Kardashian A, Ma Y, Scherzer R, Price JC, Sarkar M, Korn N, Tillinghast K, Peters MG, Noworolski SM, Tien PC| | PubMed
    84. Perceptions of fecal microbiota transplantation for Clostridium difficile infection: factors that predict acceptance.
      Park L, Mone A, Price JC, Tzimas D, Hirsh J, Poles MA, Malter L, Chen LA| | PubMed
    85. Correlation of Controlled Attenuation Parameter and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Measurements of Hepatic Steatosis in HIV-positive Adults.
      Jennifer Price, Jennifer Dodge, Yifei Ma, Rebecca Scherzer, Natalie Korn, Kyle Tillinghast, Marion Peters, Sue Noworolski, Phyllis Tien| | UCSF Research Profile
    86. Pre-Liver Transplant Transthoracic Echocardiogram Findings and 6-Month Post-Transplant Outcomes: A Case-Control Analysis.
      Konerman MA, Price JC, Campbell CY, Eluri S, Gurakar A, Hamilton J, Li Z| | PubMed
    87. Brief Report: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Mitigates Liver Disease in HIV Infection.
      Price JC, Seaberg EC, Phair JP, Witt MD, Koletar SL, Thio CL| | PubMed
    88. Hepatitis C virus-HIV-coinfected patients and liver transplantation.
      Kardashian AA, Price JC| | PubMed
    89. Treatment of hepatitis C in liver transplant patients: interferon out, direct antiviral combos in.
      Price JC, Terrault NA| | PubMed
    90. Sofosbuvir and ribavirin use in wait-listed patients with hepatitis C should be selective.
      Price JC, Terrault NA| | PubMed
    91. Randomized, controlled pilot study comparing large-volume paracentesis using wall suction and traditional glass vacuum bottle methods.
      Konerman MA, Price J, Torres D, Li Z| | PubMed
    92. Effectiveness of telaprevir and boceprevir triple therapy for patients with hepatitis C virus infection in a large integrated care setting.
      Price JC, Murphy RC, Shvachko VA, Pauly MP, Manos MM| | PubMed
    93. Myosin VI mediates the movement of NHE3 down the microvillus in intestinal epithelial cells.
      Chen T, Hubbard A, Murtazina R, Price J, Yang J, Cha B, Sarker R, Donowitz M| | PubMed
    94. Risk factors for fatty liver in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.
      Price JC, Seaberg EC, Latanich R, Budoff MJ, Kingsley LA, Palella FJ, Witt MD, Post WS, Thio CL| | PubMed
    95. Multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH testing is clinically useful in the management of patients with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms.
      Jodorkovsky D, Price JC, Kim B, Dhalla S, Stein EM, Clarke JO| | PubMed
    96. An update on hepatitis B, D, and E viruses.
      Price J| | PubMed
    97. Prevention and Treatment of Recurrent Hepatitis C after Liver Transplantation.
      Jennifer C. Price| | UCSF Research Profile
    98. Characteristics of HCV Direct Acting Antiviral Treatment Initiators in a Large Integrated Care Setting.
      Jennifer Price, Valentina Shvachko, Rosemary Murphy, Michele M. Manos| | UCSF Research Profile
    99. Non-invasive Liver Fibrosis Markers Are Associated with Liver-Related Death in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.
      Jennifer Price, Eric Seaberg, Anand Mehta, Sheila Badri, Mallory Witt, Kristin D'Acunto, Chloe Thio| | UCSF Research Profile
    100. HTK preservative solution is associated with increased biliary complications among patients receiving DCD liver transplants: a single center experience.
      Gulsen MT, Girotra M, Cengiz-Seval G, Price J, Singh VK, Segev DL, Cameron AM, Gurakar A| | PubMed
    101. Prevention and Treatment of Recurrent Hepatitis C after Liver Transplantation
      Price JC| | UCSF Research Profile
    102. Reply to Post and Sabin.
      Price J, Thio C| | PubMed
    103. HIV monoinfection is associated with increased aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index, a surrogate marker for hepatic fibrosis.
      Price JC, Seaberg EC, Badri S, Witt MD, D'Acunto K, Thio CL| | PubMed
    104. HIV-Viral Hepatitis Coinfection is Associated With Risk for Increasing APRI Despite Mitigating Effect of HAART.
      Jennifer Price, Eric C. Seaberg, Sheila Badri, Mallory D. Witt, Kristin D'Acunto, Chloe Thio| | UCSF Research Profile
    105. Liver disease in the HIV-infected individual.
      Price JC, Thio CL| | PubMed
    106. Gastric sarcoidosis: case report and literature review.
      Liang DB, Price JC, Ahmed H, Farmer N, Montgomery EA, Giday SA| | PubMed
    107. Hepatitis B- Recent Developments in Therapy
      Price J and Li Z.| | UCSF Research Profile
    108. Managing acutely ill substance-abusing patients in an integrated day hospital outpatient program: medical therapies, complications, and overall treatment outcomes.
      O'Toole TP, Conde-Martel A, Young JH, Price J, Bigelow G, Ford DE| | PubMed
    109. Disparities in osteoporosis screening between at-risk African-American and white women.
      Miller RG, Ashar BH, Cohen J, Camp M, Coombs C, Johnson E, Schneyer CR| | PubMed
    110. RB1 genetic testing as a clinical service: a follow-up study.
      Cohen JG, Dryja TP, Davis KB, Diller LR, Li FP| | PubMed